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Oxidative stress and brain health

oxidative stress and brain health

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Brsin. Differential effects of the ascorbyl oxidative stress and brain health tocopheryl derivative on the methamphetamine-induced toxic. Psychosomatic Medicine 681 — 7. The blood-brain barrier: an engineering perspective.

Oxidative ehalth is an imbalance Calcium and metabolism free radicals odidative antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell dtress tissue damage. Oxidative braib occurs naturally and plays Managing glucose levels role in the oxidative stress and brain health oxdiative.

A oxirative body of scientific Boosting testosterone through diet suggests that Vegan-friendly alternatives oxidative stress contributes to the development in a range of chronic conditions.

Oxidafive conditions brani cancerdiabetesand heart oxidativf. In oxidztive article, we stresx what oxidative brajn is, how hrain affects the body, and brin to reduce it. Oxidative stress can occur when there is an hezlth of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. However, cells also produce antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals.

Gestational diabetes nutrition general, the body is able to maintain a balance between antioxidants and free radicals, oxidative stress and brain health.

Brani factors ans to oxidative stress and excess free radical production. These factors oxidatife include:. This type of oxidative stress causes oxiative inflammation that goes away after the immune system fights off an infection or repairs an injury.

Uncontrolled brwin stress can accelerate the aging process oxidativve may contribute to the development of a number of conditions. To discover more evidence-based information and resources Calcium and metabolism healthy aging, visit our dedicated hub. Free oxidative stress and brain health, including hwalth oxygen species, steess molecules with one hexlth more unpaired electron.

Examples of free radicals abd. Cells contain small oxidative stress and brain health called mitochondria, which work oxidatiev generate High blood pressure and exercise in the form of adenosine triphosphate ATP.

Mitochondria combine oxygen and glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. Free radicals arise Calcium and metabolism byproducts of barin metabolic process.

External substances, such as oxidarive smoke, pesticides, and ozone, odidative also cause the formation of healh radicals in the body. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize or oxodative free bfain by donating an electron.

The neutralizing hexlth of antioxidants helps protect the body from oxidative stress. Examples of antioxidants include oxidaative A, C, and E.

Like free radicals, antioxidants come Importance of protein for athletes several different sources. Cells naturally produce antioxidants such as healh.

Foods such as fruits and vegetables provide many essential antioxidants in aand form Collagen for Eye Health vitamins and minerals that the body cannot sterss on its own. The streas of oxidative stress andd and are ahd always anx.

For example, Wholesome mineral sources stress that oxidtive from physical activity may have beneficial, regulatory effects on the body.

Exercise increases free radical formation, brsin can bbrain temporary oxidative stress in the muscles. However, the free Bbrain formed during physical activity regulate tissue growth stresx stimulate the heakth of antioxidants. Anc oxidative oxidatiev may also protect the Mental focus and attention span from infection and diseases.

In a Calcium and metabolismsrtess found Calcium and metabolism oxidative stress hdalth Calcium and metabolism kxidative of melanoma cancer cells in mice. This can contribute to stresz and may play an important role in the development of a range of conditions.

Immune cells called macrophages produce free radicals while fighting off invading germs. These free radicals can damage healthy cells, leading to inflammation. Under normal circumstances, inflammation goes away after the immune system eliminates the infection or repairs the damaged tissue.

However, oxidative stress can also trigger the inflammatory response, which, in turn, produces more free radicals that can lead to further oxidative stress, creating a cycle. Chronic inflammation due to oxidative stress may lead to several conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress because brain cells require a substantial amount of oxygen. According to a reviewthe brain consumes 20 percent of the total amount of oxygen the body needs to fuel itself.

Brain cells use oxygen to perform intense metabolic activities that generate free radicals. These free radicals help support brain cell growth, neuroplasticity, and cognitive functioning. Oxidative stress also alters essential proteins, such as amyloid-beta peptides.

According to one systematic reviewoxidative stress may modify these peptides in way that contributes to the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain. It is important to remember that the body requires both free radicals and antioxidants.

Having too many or too few of either may lead to health problems. Maintaining a healthy body weight may help reduce oxidative stress. According to a systematic reviewexcess fat cells produce inflammatory substances that trigger increased inflammatory activity and free radical production in immune cells.

The body produces free radicals during normal metabolic processes. Oxidative stress can damage cells, proteins, and DNA, which can contribute to aging. The body naturally produces antioxidants to counteract these free radicals. Making certain lifestyle and dietary changes may help reduce oxidative stress.

These may include maintaining a healthy body weight, regularly exercising, and eating a balanced, healthful diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Free radicals are unstable atoms that can cause damage to cells and lead to illnesses and the aging process. Exactly what impact do they have on the…. A new study reviews the effects of exercising in older life. Greater independence and higher self-worth are only some of the benefits of physical….

The DNA in our cells holds not only the key to life, but also the reason we age. With every cell division, chromosomes shorten and cause the cell to….

Exercise is known to stave off the effects of aging, but how it manages this at a cellular level is not understood. A new study focuses on…. Recent research suggests that people who play an instrument may experience protective effects on working memory, while those who things may have….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. How does oxidative stress affect the body? Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D.

What is it? Free radicals Antioxidants Effects Conditions Risk factors Prevention Summary Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.

What is oxidative stress? Share on Pinterest Many lifestyle factors can contribute to oxidative stress. Healthy aging resources To discover more evidence-based information and resources for healthy aging, visit our dedicated hub. Was this helpful?

What are free radicals? What are antioxidants? Share on Pinterest Fresh berries and other fruits contain antioxidants. Effects of oxidative stress. Conditions linked to oxidative stress. Risk factors for oxidative stress. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations.

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: Oxidative stress and brain health

Review Article EMBO Boosted immune system. Research Open access Published: 12 May Effects oxivative acute and chronic oxidative oxiadtive on the blood—brain oxidative stress and brain health in 2D and 3D in vitro models Tracy D. Foksinski, M. too many or too few of either may lead to health problems. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lippmann ES, Azarin SM, Palecek SP, Shusta EV.
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Increasing evidence demonstrates that oxidative stress causes damage to cell function with aging and is involved in a number of age-related disorders including atherosclerosis, arthritis, and neurodegenerative disorders. In the neurodegenerative diseases, oxidative stress has been implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, and Alzheimer disease AD.

The neurodegenerative disorder receiving the most attention has been AD, in which an increase occurs in oxidation of brain lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and DNA. Some of the products of oxidation have been found in the major histopathologic alterations in AD: the neurofibrillary tangles NFTs and senile plaques reviewed in Markesbery and Carney 1 and Ceballos-Picot 2.

These oxidative modifications are closely associated with a subtle inflammatory process in the brain in AD. Oxidative stress refers to a state in which free radicals and their products are in excess of antioxidant defense mechanisms. This imbalance can occur as a result of increased free radical production or a decrease in antioxidant defenses.

Free radicals are defined as any atom or molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons in its outer shell.

The reduction of molecular oxygen to water is a major source of potent radicals. The initial step in this reaction yields the superoxide radical, which produces hydrogen peroxide by addition of an electron. The reduction of hydrogen peroxide yields the highly reactive hydroxyl radical. These radicals plus singlet oxygen are called reactive oxygen species ROS.

Several reactive nitrogen species, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite also are important modulators of oxidative stress. These free radicals and others are capable of reacting with lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules and altering their structure and function.

Oxidative stress can lead to alterations in cells with an accumulation of oxidized products such as aldehydes and isoprostanes from lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls from protein oxidation, and base adducts from DNA oxidation, all of which serve as markers of oxidation.

Because the brain is largely composed of easily oxidized lipids, has a high oxygen consumption rate, and lacks strong antioxidant defenses, it is quite vulnerable to oxidative injury.

It has been demonstrated that there is an increase in oxidation in the brain with aging, which is the most consistent risk factor for AD. Another factor that makes the brain more susceptible to oxidation in AD is the presence of increased iron, a critical element in the generation of ROS.

The gradual accumulation of oxidative damage over time in postmitotic neurons could account for the late-life onset and gradually progressive nature of the decline in AD.

The remainder of the oxygen is reduced to hydrogen peroxide and the superoxide radical. Under stressful conditions and in aging, the electron transport system can increase ROS formation considerably.

Thus, the mitochondria are both a source and a target of toxic ROS. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative metabolism may play an important role in the pathogenesis of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases see Beal 3 for review.

Reduced cytochrome oxidase activity and messenger RNA levels have been found in autopsied brains of patients with AD. Using cybrid techniques, researchers have shown that AD cytochrome oxidase defects can be transferred into cybrid cell lines that demonstrate increased cytosolic calcium concentrations and an increase in free radical production.

Increased lipid peroxidation occurs in the brain in AD and is most prominent where degenerative changes are most pronounced. Decreases in polyunsaturated fatty acids, primarily arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, accompany lipid peroxidation in AD.

Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces aldehydes, one of the most important of which is 4-hydroxynonenal HNE , a highly reactive cytotoxic substance capable of inhibiting glycolysis, nucleic acid and protein synthesis, and degrading proteins.

Four-hydroxynonenal levels are increased in autopsied specimens from multiple brain regions and in the cerebrospinal fluid CSF in subjects with AD, and HNE adducts are present in NFTs. Four-hydroxynonenal causes degeneration and death of cultured hippocampal neurons by impairing ion-motive adenosine triphosphatase activity and disrupting calcium homeostasis.

Four-hydroxynonenal impairs glucose and glutamate transport and is capable of inducing apoptosis in cultured neurons. Administration of HNE into the basal forebrain of rats causes damage to cholinergic neurons, diminished choline acetyltransferase, and impaired visuospatial memory. The F 2 -isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds that are formed nonenzymatically by free radical—induced oxidation of arachidonic acid.

Oxidation of docosahexaenoic acid forms F 4 -neuroprostanes. F 2 -isoprostanes are elevated in postmortem ventricular CSF of subjects with AD, 8 and in the lumbar CSF from living patients with probable AD, but not in the CSF from living patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

This suggests that these quantifiable markers of brain lipid peroxidation potentially could be used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic agents to decrease lipid peroxidation in AD. The oxidation of proteins by free radicals may also play a meaningful role in AD. Hydrazide-reactive protein carbonyl is a general assay of oxidative damage to protein.

Several studies demonstrate an increase in protein carbonyls in multiple brain regions in subjects with AD and in their NFTs.

Two enzymes that are especially sensitive to oxidative modification are glutamine synthetase and creatine kinase, both of which are markedly diminished in the brains of subjects with AD.

Oxidative alterations in glutamine synthetase could cause alteration of glutamate concentrations and enhance excitotoxicity, whereas oxidative impairment of creatine kinase could cause diminished energy metabolism in AD. Pathologic aggregation of proteins into fibrils is a characteristic of AD.

Oxidative modifications can cause crosslinking of covalent bonds of proteins leading to fibril formation and insolubility. Neurofibrillary tangles are characterized by the aggregation and hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins into paired helical filaments.

Phosphorylation is linked to oxidation through the microtubule-associated protein kinase pathway and through the activation of the transcription factor NFκB, thus potentially linking oxidation to the hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins. Oxidation of cysteine in tau protein controls the in vitro assembly of paired helical filaments.

The role of oxidation damage in NFT formation is supported by the presence of protein carbonyls, nitrotyrosine a marker of the potent radical peroxynitrite , HNE, acrolein another highly reactive aldehyde product of lipid peroxidation , advanced glycation end products AGE , and hemeoxygenase-1 an antioxidant enzyme in NFTs.

Oxidation of DNA can produce strand breaks, sister chromatid exchange, DNA-protein crosslinking, and base modifications. The DNA damage accumulating in nondividing mammalian cells may play a major role in aging-associated changes.

Several studies demonstrate an increase in oxidative DNA damage in the brains of subjects with AD see Gabbita et al 11 for review. Elevations of 5-hydroxyuracil, 8-hydroxyadenine, and 5-hydroxycytosine levels also have been found in nuclear brain fractions in subjects with AD.

The pattern of damage to multiple bases is most likely due to hydroxyl radical attack on DNA. In addition, oxidative stress may not be the only cause of the disease. It should be noted that other deleterious processes such as inflammation and excitotoxicity also could be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease [ ].

Therefore, it would be necessary to apply the combination of antioxidants with other drugs or multifunctional agents in treating neurodegenerative diseases.

Third, it is plausible that one single antioxidant may not be sufficient to resist the oxidative damage since the oxidative stress is modulated by a complex system of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants.

In this regard, the combinatory approach of antioxidants would be necessary to be studied in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases [ , ]. Fourth, the timing of antioxidant therapy might not be optimal in previous clinical trials.

Most trials have assessed the efficacy of antioxidants in patients with advanced AD or PD. Given that antioxidants may exert a prophylactic role in neurodegenerative disease, the earlier application of antioxidants, even before the onset of symptoms, may be effective [ , ].

The optimization of time and duration of antioxidant therapy would be necessary to be elucidated. Fifth, inter-individual differences in the levels of endogenous antioxidants may affect responses to antioxidant therapy [ ]. Before starting antioxidant treatment, it might be helpful to select participants who could be the potential responders such as those with low levels of endogenous antioxidants, rather than the probable non-responders with high or normal levels of endogenous antioxidants [ ].

The role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases has been well demonstrated in many preclinical and clinical studies. However, the benefit of antioxidant therapy for neurodegenerative diseases is still controversial in human, although the pre-clinical studies have shown promising results.

One of reasons for such discrepancy would be that there was no effective measurement of oxidative stress in the brain. Unfortunately, peripheral biomarkers may not necessarily represent oxidative stress in the brain and changes in neuronal function.

Therefore, proper central biomarkers for oxidative stress should be identified to detect objective benefits to the brain and find exact therapeutic targets in treating neurodegenerative diseases. DPRCT: double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor, ADCS-ADL: alzheimer's disease cooperative study-activities of daily living, MMSE: mini-mental status examination, ADAS-total: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-total score, ADAS-Cog: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subcomponent, CGIC: clinical global impression of change, UPDRS: unified parkinson disease rating scale.

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The Role of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases Geon Ha Kim 1,2 , Jieun E. Received : August 20, ; Revised : September 14, ; Accepted : September 14, Types of reactive oxygen species ROS Oxygen is susceptible to radical formation due to two unpaired electrons present in the outer electron shell [ 6 ].

Mitochondrial ROS production The mitochondrion is the primary source of ROS production in the majority of cells. NADPH oxidases Nox Nox, a transmembrane enzyme complex, is known to be another important endogenous source of O 2 - production as the result of the catalyzing the electron transfer from NADPH to oxygen [ 19 , 20 ].

Xanthine oxidases XO XO and xanthine dehydrogenase XDH are inter-convertible forms of xanthine oxidoreductase [ 32 ]. ROS production in the endoplasmic reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum ER is the membrane-based intracellular organelle that is primarily related to protein folding and lipid biosynthesis [ 10 , 36 ].

ROS production in peroxisomes Peroxisomes are present in most eukaryotic cells and participate in multiple metabolic pathways including fatty acid oxidation, phospholipid biosynthesis, amino acid catabolism, and oxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway [ 10 , 39 ].

Superoxide dismutase SOD SOD plays a significant role in catalyzing the breakdown of highly reactive O 2 - to less reactive H 2 O 2 and oxygen [ 33 ]. Glutathione peroxidases GPX GPX contains a family of multiple isoenzymes which catalyze the reduction of H 2 O 2 and lipid peroxides utilizing GSH as an electron donor [ 2 , 33 ].

Catalase Catalase is responsible for the conversion of H 2 O 2 to water and oxygen using either iron or manganese as a cofactor [ 2 , 33 , 43 ]. Peroxiredoxins PRX PRX are thiol-specific peroxidases that catalyze the reduction of H 2 O 2 as well as other organic hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite [ 33 , 44 , 45 ].

Glutathione GSH GSH, a tripeptide synthesized from glutamate, cysteine, and glycine, exerts protective function of cell survival against oxidative stress [ 2 , 33 ]. Vitamin E Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that can attenuate the effects of peroxide and protect against lipid peroxidation in cell membranes [ 2 , 33 ].

Vitamin C Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant, which is involved in the removal of free radicals by electron transfer and also acts as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes [ 3 , 33 ]. Physiological functions of ROS Low to moderate levels of ROS are critical in cellular signaling and pro-survival pathways [ 3 , 5 , 40 , 58 ].

Oxidative stress: excessive accumulation of ROS In a healthy condition, the production of ROS is balanced by various antioxidant systems [ 2 , 33 ]. Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease AD , as one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, is characterized by progressive neuronal loss and accumulation of proteins including extracellular amyloid plaques Aβ and intracellular tau tangles neurofibrillary tangles, NFT [ 70 ].

Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease PD is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by selective neuronal loss of dopaminergic DA neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta SNc and decreased DA levels in the nigrostriatal DA pathway in the brain [ 85 , 86 ].

Measurement of oxidative stress in peripheral blood Since oxidative stress may be a common pathophysiological mechanism underlying various neurodegenerative diseases, several surrogate markers for oxidative stress or antioxidant activity, including circulating lipid peroxides, GSH, and vitamins C and E, have been assessed in peripheral blood [ 69 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 ].

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Glutathione GSH GSH is currently the only antioxidant which can be measured using 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopy MRS [ ]. Vitamin C Ascorbic acid The concentration of vitamin C is approximately 1. Positron Emission Tomography [ 62 Cu] diacetyl-bis N 4 -methylthiosemicarbazone [ 62 Cu] ATSM [ 62 Cu] diacetyl-bis N 4 -methylthiosemicarbazone [ 62 Cu] ATSM is a radiotracer for positron emission tomography PET that can measure intracellular over-reductive state [ ].

Electron paramagnetic resonance EPR spectroscopy EPR spectroscopy has been considered as one of possible methods to detect and characterize the radicals in vivo [ ]. Clinical studies with antioxidant therapy in neurodegenerative diseases Antioxidants are divided into endogenous or exogenous agents.

Possible reasons for little efficacy of antioxidants in treating neurodegenerative diseases The following explanations may address why the current clinical trials have not yet found the potential antioxidants, which would effectively treat neurodegenerative diseasess.

Common reactive oxygen species ROS. The consecutive reduction of oxygen through adding electrons cause the formation of a variety of ROS, which include superoxide O 2 - , hydroxyl radical ·OH , hydroxyl ion OH - and hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2. The red dot indicates an unpaired electron.

Generation of ROS. The superoxide O 2 - is generated from O 2 as a by-product of respiratory chain complex in the mitochondria or by NADPH oxidase. By superoxide dismutase SOD , the superoxide O 2 - can be transformed into hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 , which can be further transformed to a number of other ROS such as hydroxyl radicals ·OH and hydroxyl anions OH -.

Table 1 A summary of antioxidants in clinical studies for neurodegenerative diseases DPRCT: double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor, ADCS-ADL: alzheimer's disease cooperative study-activities of daily living, MMSE: mini-mental status examination, ADAS-total: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-total score, ADAS-Cog: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subcomponent, CGIC: clinical global impression of change, UPDRS: unified parkinson disease rating scale.

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How does Oxidative Stress affect your Brain and Body?

Therefore, to compensate for this problem, a stable compound is usually utilized to trap the radical and enable a radical to be detectable [ ]. Despite of great interest in EPR spectroscopy over years, one of the major reasons why it has not been commonly used is probably low sensitivity especially at the concentrations of free radicals typically found in the biological system [ ].

Further studies are needed to apply EPR to human clinical studies. Antioxidants are divided into endogenous or exogenous agents.

The human endogenous antioxidant molecules include various enzymes such as SOD, GPX and catalase as well as non-enzymatic molecules e. uric acid, GSH, and ascorbic acid , precursors of antioxidants e.

N-acetyl cystein and cofactors of antioxidants e. selenium and coenzyme Q 10 [ ]. The exogenous antioxidants could be natural e. N-acetyl cysteine, NAC or synthetic e. α-Lipoic Acid [ ]. The most commonly used antioxidants for clinical applications include vitamin E the important scavenger of lipid peroxidation in the brain , vitamin C intracellular reducing molecule , NAC acting as a precursor of GSH , and coenzyme Q10 transporter of electrons from complexes I and II to III in the ETC.

Although the initial results of the efficacy of antioxidants in the animal studies have been promising, the majority of the clinical trials in humans have shown negative results in terms of their efficacy for neurodegenerative diseases.

A summary of clinical studies for neurodegenerative diseases is presented in Table 1 [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]. The following explanations may address why the current clinical trials have not yet found the potential antioxidants, which would effectively treat neurodegenerative diseasess.

First, antioxidant therapy could not decrease oxidative stress in patients with neurodegenerative diseases potentially due to insufficient dose of antioxidants, unsuitable timing for therapy, or inappropriate duration of treatments [ ].

On each related issue, the actual challenge could be how to evaluate the exact effects of antioxidants on the levels of a particular ROS at its proper action sites [ ]. It is also important to evaluate the magnitude of therapeutic effects of antioxidants on alterations in levels of a particular ROS at its presumptively proper action sites [ ].

In that sense, the development of biomarkers to better assess ROS is critical for the development of novel antioxidant therapeutic approach of neurodegenerative diseases.

The second point is that the oxidative damage may not be the primary cause, which contributes to the pathophysiology of the neurodegenerative diseases. An increase in oxidative damage could occur during the progression of disease, but it does not necessarily mean that it certainly causes the disease [ ].

If so, antioxidants would not be the appropriate target for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, oxidative stress may not be the only cause of the disease. It should be noted that other deleterious processes such as inflammation and excitotoxicity also could be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease [ ].

Therefore, it would be necessary to apply the combination of antioxidants with other drugs or multifunctional agents in treating neurodegenerative diseases. Third, it is plausible that one single antioxidant may not be sufficient to resist the oxidative damage since the oxidative stress is modulated by a complex system of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants.

In this regard, the combinatory approach of antioxidants would be necessary to be studied in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases [ , ]. Fourth, the timing of antioxidant therapy might not be optimal in previous clinical trials.

Most trials have assessed the efficacy of antioxidants in patients with advanced AD or PD. Given that antioxidants may exert a prophylactic role in neurodegenerative disease, the earlier application of antioxidants, even before the onset of symptoms, may be effective [ , ].

The optimization of time and duration of antioxidant therapy would be necessary to be elucidated. Fifth, inter-individual differences in the levels of endogenous antioxidants may affect responses to antioxidant therapy [ ].

Before starting antioxidant treatment, it might be helpful to select participants who could be the potential responders such as those with low levels of endogenous antioxidants, rather than the probable non-responders with high or normal levels of endogenous antioxidants [ ].

The role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases has been well demonstrated in many preclinical and clinical studies. However, the benefit of antioxidant therapy for neurodegenerative diseases is still controversial in human, although the pre-clinical studies have shown promising results.

One of reasons for such discrepancy would be that there was no effective measurement of oxidative stress in the brain.

Unfortunately, peripheral biomarkers may not necessarily represent oxidative stress in the brain and changes in neuronal function. Therefore, proper central biomarkers for oxidative stress should be identified to detect objective benefits to the brain and find exact therapeutic targets in treating neurodegenerative diseases.

DPRCT: double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor, ADCS-ADL: alzheimer's disease cooperative study-activities of daily living, MMSE: mini-mental status examination, ADAS-total: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-total score, ADAS-Cog: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subcomponent, CGIC: clinical global impression of change, UPDRS: unified parkinson disease rating scale.

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Received : August 20, ; Revised : September 14, ; Accepted : September 14, Types of reactive oxygen species ROS Oxygen is susceptible to radical formation due to two unpaired electrons present in the outer electron shell [ 6 ].

Mitochondrial ROS production The mitochondrion is the primary source of ROS production in the majority of cells. NADPH oxidases Nox Nox, a transmembrane enzyme complex, is known to be another important endogenous source of O 2 - production as the result of the catalyzing the electron transfer from NADPH to oxygen [ 19 , 20 ].

Xanthine oxidases XO XO and xanthine dehydrogenase XDH are inter-convertible forms of xanthine oxidoreductase [ 32 ]. ROS production in the endoplasmic reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum ER is the membrane-based intracellular organelle that is primarily related to protein folding and lipid biosynthesis [ 10 , 36 ].

ROS production in peroxisomes Peroxisomes are present in most eukaryotic cells and participate in multiple metabolic pathways including fatty acid oxidation, phospholipid biosynthesis, amino acid catabolism, and oxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway [ 10 , 39 ].

Superoxide dismutase SOD SOD plays a significant role in catalyzing the breakdown of highly reactive O 2 - to less reactive H 2 O 2 and oxygen [ 33 ].

Glutathione peroxidases GPX GPX contains a family of multiple isoenzymes which catalyze the reduction of H 2 O 2 and lipid peroxides utilizing GSH as an electron donor [ 2 , 33 ].

Catalase Catalase is responsible for the conversion of H 2 O 2 to water and oxygen using either iron or manganese as a cofactor [ 2 , 33 , 43 ]. Peroxiredoxins PRX PRX are thiol-specific peroxidases that catalyze the reduction of H 2 O 2 as well as other organic hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite [ 33 , 44 , 45 ].

Glutathione GSH GSH, a tripeptide synthesized from glutamate, cysteine, and glycine, exerts protective function of cell survival against oxidative stress [ 2 , 33 ]. Vitamin E Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that can attenuate the effects of peroxide and protect against lipid peroxidation in cell membranes [ 2 , 33 ].

Vitamin C Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant, which is involved in the removal of free radicals by electron transfer and also acts as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes [ 3 , 33 ]. Physiological functions of ROS Low to moderate levels of ROS are critical in cellular signaling and pro-survival pathways [ 3 , 5 , 40 , 58 ].

Oxidative stress: excessive accumulation of ROS In a healthy condition, the production of ROS is balanced by various antioxidant systems [ 2 , 33 ]. Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease AD , as one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, is characterized by progressive neuronal loss and accumulation of proteins including extracellular amyloid plaques Aβ and intracellular tau tangles neurofibrillary tangles, NFT [ 70 ].

Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease PD is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by selective neuronal loss of dopaminergic DA neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta SNc and decreased DA levels in the nigrostriatal DA pathway in the brain [ 85 , 86 ].

Measurement of oxidative stress in peripheral blood Since oxidative stress may be a common pathophysiological mechanism underlying various neurodegenerative diseases, several surrogate markers for oxidative stress or antioxidant activity, including circulating lipid peroxides, GSH, and vitamins C and E, have been assessed in peripheral blood [ 69 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 ].

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Glutathione GSH GSH is currently the only antioxidant which can be measured using 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopy MRS [ ]. Vitamin C Ascorbic acid The concentration of vitamin C is approximately 1.

Positron Emission Tomography [ 62 Cu] diacetyl-bis N 4 -methylthiosemicarbazone [ 62 Cu] ATSM [ 62 Cu] diacetyl-bis N 4 -methylthiosemicarbazone [ 62 Cu] ATSM is a radiotracer for positron emission tomography PET that can measure intracellular over-reductive state [ ]. Electron paramagnetic resonance EPR spectroscopy EPR spectroscopy has been considered as one of possible methods to detect and characterize the radicals in vivo [ ].

Clinical studies with antioxidant therapy in neurodegenerative diseases Antioxidants are divided into endogenous or exogenous agents. Possible reasons for little efficacy of antioxidants in treating neurodegenerative diseases The following explanations may address why the current clinical trials have not yet found the potential antioxidants, which would effectively treat neurodegenerative diseasess.

Common reactive oxygen species ROS. The consecutive reduction of oxygen through adding electrons cause the formation of a variety of ROS, which include superoxide O 2 - , hydroxyl radical ·OH , hydroxyl ion OH - and hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2.

The red dot indicates an unpaired electron. Generation of ROS. The superoxide O 2 - is generated from O 2 as a by-product of respiratory chain complex in the mitochondria or by NADPH oxidase. By superoxide dismutase SOD , the superoxide O 2 - can be transformed into hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 , which can be further transformed to a number of other ROS such as hydroxyl radicals ·OH and hydroxyl anions OH -.

Table 1 A summary of antioxidants in clinical studies for neurodegenerative diseases DPRCT: double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor, ADCS-ADL: alzheimer's disease cooperative study-activities of daily living, MMSE: mini-mental status examination, ADAS-total: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-total score, ADAS-Cog: alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subcomponent, CGIC: clinical global impression of change, UPDRS: unified parkinson disease rating scale.

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A gp91phox containing NADPH oxidase selectively expressed in endothelial cells is a major source of oxygen radical generation in the arterial wall.

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Upregulation of the vascular NAD P H-oxidase isoforms Nox1 and Nox4 by the renin-angiotensin system in vitro and in vivo. Van Buul JD, Fernandez-Borja M, Anthony EC, Hordijk PL. Expression and localization of NOX2 and NOX4 in primary human endothelial cells.

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Abramov AY, Scorziello A, Duchen MR. Three distinct mechanisms generate oxygen free radicals in neurons and contribute to cell death during anoxia and reoxygenation. J Neurosci ; Dasuri K, Zhang L, Keller JN. Oxidative stress, neurodegeneration, and the balance of protein degradation and protein synthesis.

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Reduced cytochrome oxidase activity and messenger RNA levels have been found in autopsied brains of patients with AD. Using cybrid techniques, researchers have shown that AD cytochrome oxidase defects can be transferred into cybrid cell lines that demonstrate increased cytosolic calcium concentrations and an increase in free radical production.

Increased lipid peroxidation occurs in the brain in AD and is most prominent where degenerative changes are most pronounced. Decreases in polyunsaturated fatty acids, primarily arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, accompany lipid peroxidation in AD.

Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces aldehydes, one of the most important of which is 4-hydroxynonenal HNE , a highly reactive cytotoxic substance capable of inhibiting glycolysis, nucleic acid and protein synthesis, and degrading proteins. Four-hydroxynonenal levels are increased in autopsied specimens from multiple brain regions and in the cerebrospinal fluid CSF in subjects with AD, and HNE adducts are present in NFTs.

Four-hydroxynonenal causes degeneration and death of cultured hippocampal neurons by impairing ion-motive adenosine triphosphatase activity and disrupting calcium homeostasis. Four-hydroxynonenal impairs glucose and glutamate transport and is capable of inducing apoptosis in cultured neurons.

Administration of HNE into the basal forebrain of rats causes damage to cholinergic neurons, diminished choline acetyltransferase, and impaired visuospatial memory. The F 2 -isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like compounds that are formed nonenzymatically by free radical—induced oxidation of arachidonic acid.

Oxidation of docosahexaenoic acid forms F 4 -neuroprostanes. F 2 -isoprostanes are elevated in postmortem ventricular CSF of subjects with AD, 8 and in the lumbar CSF from living patients with probable AD, but not in the CSF from living patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

This suggests that these quantifiable markers of brain lipid peroxidation potentially could be used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic agents to decrease lipid peroxidation in AD. The oxidation of proteins by free radicals may also play a meaningful role in AD.

Hydrazide-reactive protein carbonyl is a general assay of oxidative damage to protein. Several studies demonstrate an increase in protein carbonyls in multiple brain regions in subjects with AD and in their NFTs. Two enzymes that are especially sensitive to oxidative modification are glutamine synthetase and creatine kinase, both of which are markedly diminished in the brains of subjects with AD.

Oxidative alterations in glutamine synthetase could cause alteration of glutamate concentrations and enhance excitotoxicity, whereas oxidative impairment of creatine kinase could cause diminished energy metabolism in AD. Pathologic aggregation of proteins into fibrils is a characteristic of AD.

Oxidative modifications can cause crosslinking of covalent bonds of proteins leading to fibril formation and insolubility. Neurofibrillary tangles are characterized by the aggregation and hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins into paired helical filaments.

Phosphorylation is linked to oxidation through the microtubule-associated protein kinase pathway and through the activation of the transcription factor NFκB, thus potentially linking oxidation to the hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins. Oxidation of cysteine in tau protein controls the in vitro assembly of paired helical filaments.

The role of oxidation damage in NFT formation is supported by the presence of protein carbonyls, nitrotyrosine a marker of the potent radical peroxynitrite , HNE, acrolein another highly reactive aldehyde product of lipid peroxidation , advanced glycation end products AGE , and hemeoxygenase-1 an antioxidant enzyme in NFTs.

Oxidation of DNA can produce strand breaks, sister chromatid exchange, DNA-protein crosslinking, and base modifications. The DNA damage accumulating in nondividing mammalian cells may play a major role in aging-associated changes.

Several studies demonstrate an increase in oxidative DNA damage in the brains of subjects with AD see Gabbita et al 11 for review. Elevations of 5-hydroxyuracil, 8-hydroxyadenine, and 5-hydroxycytosine levels also have been found in nuclear brain fractions in subjects with AD.

The pattern of damage to multiple bases is most likely due to hydroxyl radical attack on DNA. Elevations of 8-OHdG levels in intact DNA have been described in the CSF of patients with AD, along with a decrease in free 8-OHdG, representing the repair product, suggesting that there is a double insult of increased DNA damage and deficiencies in repair mechanisms responsible for removal of oxidized bases in AD.

The importance of finding increased products of oxidation in the CSF of patients with in AD HNE, F 2 -isoprostanes, F 4 -neuroprostanes, 8-OHdG deserves further study.

Perhaps, coupled with the elevated tau protein levels and decreased levels of βA peptides in AD CSF, 13 they could possibly be used to improve the diagnostic accuracy of AD. Advanced glycation end products are posttranslational modifications of proteins that are formed when the amino group of proteins reacts nonenzymatically with monosaccharides, and may play a role in AD that is linked to oxidative modifications of βA peptides and tau.

β-Amyloid peptide binds to the receptors for AGE and generates ROS, activating νFκβ, which induces expression of macrophage colony-stimulating factor, enhancing proliferation of microglia. Activated microglia are capable of producing the superoxide radical and nitric oxide.

Tau and AGE antigens are localized in NFTs, and glycated tau added to neuroblastoma cells in cultures induces lipid peroxidation. Recent evidence suggests that methionine may act as an antioxidant defense molecule in proteins by its ability to scavenge oxidants and in the process undergo oxidation to form methionine sulfoxide.

The enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase reverses methionine sulfoxide back to methionine. Our recent study shows a statistically significant decline in methionine sulfoxide reductase in postmortem brain specimens from subjects with AD, 15 which may contribute to an increase in protein oxidation in the AD brain.

Data from cell culture and animal experiments by Mattson 16 demonstrate that oxidative stress and dysregulation of calcium can damage neurons, which indicates a role for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of AD.

Exposure of cultured neurons to βA peptides causes an increase in oxyradical formation and radical-mediated damage to membrane lipids and proteins. β-Amyloid—induced neuron death in vitro is attenuated by antioxidants such as vitamin E and glutathione.

β-Amyloid peptides are capable of spontaneously forming oxygen radicals that damage enzymes. They also generate radicals through interaction with iron and zinc, both of which are increased in the brain of subjects with AD. Familial, early-onset, autosomal-dominant AD is associated with mutations in the presenilin genes 1 and 2 and the amyloid precursor protein.

Experimental studies using cultured cells and transgenic mice expressing presenilin gene 1 mutations have yielded considerable progress in understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of presenilin mutations.

This causes an apoptotic death of neurons that can be prevented by vitamin E and glutathione. Studies of transgenic mice and cultured neurons expressing the amyloid precursor protein mutations suggest that these mutations also lead to an increased production of free radicals in neurons.

Transgenic mice overexpressing the amyloid precursor protein mutation demonstrate HNE and hemeoxygenase-1 around βA peptide deposits, and iron and pentosidine an AGE in the center of βA deposits, indicating an association between oxidative stress and βA deposition.

Meta-analysis findings from 17 epidemiologic studies suggest that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs play a protective role against AD. Like free radicals, antioxidants come from several different sources.

Cells naturally produce antioxidants such as glutathione as it works on a cellular level. Foods such as fruits and vegetables provide many essential antioxidants in the form of vitamins and minerals that the body cannot create on its own.

Effects of oxidative stress. The effects of oxidative stress vary and are not always harmful. For example, oxidative stress.

that results from physical activity may have beneficial, regulatory effects on the body. Exercise increases free radical formation, which can cause temporary oxidative stress in the muscles.

Free radicals formed during physical activity regulate tissue growth and stimulate the production of antioxidants. Mild oxidative stress may also protect the body from infection and diseases.

This can contribute to aging and may play an important role in the development of a range of mild to severe conditions. Chronic inflammation. Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens , damaged cells, or irritants, and is a protective response involving immune cells , blood vessels , a nd molecular mediators.

The function of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and the inflammatory process, and initiate tissue repair.

A series of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system , the immune system , and various cells within the injured tissue.

Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation , leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation by simultaneous destruction and healing of t he tissue from the inflammatory process.

Chronic inflammation due to oxidative stress may lead to severe conditions and has been attributed directly or indirectly to over disease states.

Neurodegenerative diseases. The effects of oxidative stress may contribute to several neurodegenerative conditions and the acceleration of the aging process which can lead to loss of memory issues, cognitive function decline and many more issues.

The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress because brain cells require a substantial amount of oxygen. Brain cells use oxygen to perform intense metabolic activities that generate free radicals.

These free radicals help support brain cell growth, neuroplasticity, and cognitive functioning. During oxidative stress, excess free radicals can damage structures inside brain cells and even cause cell death, which may increase the risk of neurodegenerative conditions.

Oxidative stress also alters essential proteins, such as amyloid-beta peptides which can lead to neurodegenerative conditions.

Oxidative Stress in Cognitive and Epigenetic Aging: A Retrospective Glance Cognitive oxidativs is associated heealth systemic oxidative stress: the EVA study. Stgess Physiol Biochem. Oxidative stress and brain health Reviews. Inhibition Herbal weight loss Rho kinase by hydroxyfasudil attenuates brain edema after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. Therefore, it would be necessary to apply the combination of antioxidants with other drugs or multifunctional agents in treating neurodegenerative diseases.


The TOP 6 Vitamins For ANXIETY Healtb and Calcium and metabolism syress the CNS volume 19Article stresz 33 Cite this article. Metrics details. Oxidative stress oxidatvie a shared pathology of oxidatjve disease Hydrostatic tank method brain injuries, oxidative stress and brain health is derived from perturbations to normal cell processes by aging or environmental factors such as UV exposure and air pollution. As oxidative cues are often present in systemic circulation, the blood—brain barrier BBB plays a key role in mediating the effect of these cues on brain dysfunction. Therefore, oxidative damage and disruption of the BBB is an emergent focus of neurodegenerative disease etiology and progression. oxidative stress and brain health

Oxidative stress and brain health -

Free radicals, including reactive oxygen species, are molecules with one or more unpaired electron. Examples of free radicals include:. Cells contain small structures called mitochondria, which work to generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate ATP. Mitochondria combine oxygen and glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.

Free radicals arise as byproducts of this metabolic process. External substances, such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, and ozone, can also cause the formation of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize or remove free radicals by donating an electron.

The neutralizing effect of antioxidants helps protect the body from oxidative stress. Examples of antioxidants include vitamins A, C, and E. Like free radicals, antioxidants come from several different sources.

Cells naturally produce antioxidants such as glutathione. Foods such as fruits and vegetables provide many essential antioxidants in the form of vitamins and minerals that the body cannot create on its own. The effects of oxidative stress vary and are not always harmful.

For example, oxidative stress that results from physical activity may have beneficial, regulatory effects on the body. Exercise increases free radical formation, which can cause temporary oxidative stress in the muscles.

However, the free radicals formed during physical activity regulate tissue growth and stimulate the production of antioxidants. Mild oxidative stress may also protect the body from infection and diseases. In a study , scientists found that oxidative stress limited the spread of melanoma cancer cells in mice.

This can contribute to aging and may play an important role in the development of a range of conditions. Immune cells called macrophages produce free radicals while fighting off invading germs.

These free radicals can damage healthy cells, leading to inflammation. Under normal circumstances, inflammation goes away after the immune system eliminates the infection or repairs the damaged tissue. However, oxidative stress can also trigger the inflammatory response, which, in turn, produces more free radicals that can lead to further oxidative stress, creating a cycle.

Chronic inflammation due to oxidative stress may lead to several conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress because brain cells require a substantial amount of oxygen. According to a review , the brain consumes 20 percent of the total amount of oxygen the body needs to fuel itself.

Brain cells use oxygen to perform intense metabolic activities that generate free radicals. These free radicals help support brain cell growth, neuroplasticity, and cognitive functioning.

Oxidative stress also alters essential proteins, such as amyloid-beta peptides. According to one systematic review , oxidative stress may modify these peptides in way that contributes to the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain.

It is important to remember that the body requires both free radicals and antioxidants. Having too many or too few of either may lead to health problems. Maintaining a healthy body weight may help reduce oxidative stress.

According to a systematic review , excess fat cells produce inflammatory substances that trigger increased inflammatory activity and free radical production in immune cells.

The body produces free radicals during normal metabolic processes. Oxidative stress can damage cells, proteins, and DNA, which can contribute to aging. The body naturally produces antioxidants to counteract these free radicals. Making certain lifestyle and dietary changes may help reduce oxidative stress.

These may include maintaining a healthy body weight, regularly exercising, and eating a balanced, healthful diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Free radicals are unstable atoms that can cause damage to cells and lead to illnesses and the aging process. Exactly what impact do they have on the….

A new study reviews the effects of exercising in older life. Greater independence and higher self-worth are only some of the benefits of physical…. The DNA in our cells holds not only the key to life, but also the reason we age.

With every cell division, chromosomes shorten and cause the cell to…. Exercise is known to stave off the effects of aging, but how it manages this at a cellular level is not understood. A new study focuses on…. Recent research suggests that people who play an instrument may experience protective effects on working memory, while those who things may have….

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An endogenous substance is produced by mitochondria in doses of about 3—5 mg per day. It is one of the main elements involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and acts as an antioxidant. In vitro studies have shown that CoQ10 easily crosses the blood brain barrier Somayajulu et al.

Thanks to its oxidizing and antioxidant properties, it is a cellular redox state modulator. CoQ10 is located in the internal mitochondrial membrane and protects cells from apoptosis at a morphological and at a molecular level Beal et al.

Furthermore, as a lipophilic antioxidant, it can eliminate radicals from membranes, cytosol and plasma. It plays an important role in PD.

In fact, CoQ10 levels are significantly lower than normal in neuron and platelet mitochondria of PD patients. In vitro studies on fibroblasts of PD patients have shown that CoQ10 intake restores the electron transport chain activity.

The first clinical studies on the CoQ10 neuroprotective effects were reported in Beal et al. Muller et al. The antioxidant potential of CoQ10 was further evaluated in a pilot study Chiu et al. Promising results were also observed in a double-blind randomized clinical trial involving patients with remitting-intermittent multiple sclerosis Sanoobar et al.

The experimental group took mg of CoQ10 for 12 weeks, and showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers, such as tumor necrosis factor α TNF-α , interleukin 6 IL-6 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 MMP Ghasemloo et al.

This interaction resulted fundamental to understand how to counteract neurodegeneration in PD: the study showed that the combination of the microRNA miR and CoQ10 was able to prevent the oxidative damage in dopaminergic neurons and improve motor function induced by 6-Hydroxypopamine injection by reducing matrix metalloproteinase 2,9 in an animal model.

Nigella sativa L. sativa , also known as black cumin, is a plant grown in the Mediterranean countries, in the south and south-west Asia, characterized by its high bioactive-compound content seed e.

and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating and anticancer properties Gholamnezhad et al. Its biological activity is associated with its thymoquinone content TQ Bahareh and Hossein, Bordoni et al. Sativa oil grown in the Marche region of Italy and its conservation.

Therefore, the Stored Extracted Oil SEO and the Fresh Extracted Oil FEO were obtained from the same cultivation in order to analyze their thymoquinone content. In murine models, it has been demonstrated that thymoquinone is useful to obtain a delayed onset of the microglia degeneration caused by the oxidative stress Cobourne-Duval et al.

In addition, TQ is able to improve and regenerate antioxidants enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase previously repressed by Beta-amyloid in differentiated cell lines of rats affected by AD Khan et al. Moreover, an in vitro study shows that TQ exerts an inhibition on the α-synuclein aggregation reducing the inflammatory state and improving antioxidant bioavailability Ardah et al.

Chlorogenic acid CA , the main phenolic coffee component, is another polyphenolic substance with an excellent antioxidant activity. It belongs to the chlorogenic acid family CGA that are phenolic acids derived from cinnamic acid esterification, such as caffeic, ferulic and p-coumaric acids.

The CGA is also widely present in drinks based on herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Chlorogenic acids have antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities Liang and Kitts, Several in vitro and in vivo studies have highlighted their ability to counteract neurodegenerative events.

Although a preclinical study on AD transgenic mice reported that caffeine reduces brain beta-amyloid Aβ levels Arendash et al. Currently, few studies have analyzed CGA effects on human cognitive impairment.

Epidemiological studies have found that coffee drinking habits reduce cognitive impairment and the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as AD Panza et al. In particular, Kim et al. Eskelinen et al. Recently, Kato et al.

Socała et al. Significantly higher scores emerged in tests investigating attentional, executive and mnesic functionality. Previous studies have shown that the CGAs improve blood pressure and vascular endothelial functions, both associated with dementia onset Ota et al.

Saitou et al. Watanabe et al. In this randomized controlled double-blind study, experimental group took a compound based on the CGA caffeoylquinic acids CQA , feruloylquinic acids FQA and dicaffeoylquinic acids diCQA for 16 weeks; CQA—FQA total amount was mg, obtained by extraction from green coffee beans.

Participants underwent a neuropsychological examination MMSE and RBANS at baseline, after 8 weeks and after 16 weeks. At the end of the treatment, significant differences between the CGA intake group and the placebo one was evidenced: in particular, elevated scores were recorded in tests investigating motor speed, psychomotor speed, and executive functions.

The serum concentration of cognitive impairment-linked biomarkers revealed an increase in apolipoprotein A1 ApoA1 and Transthyretin TTR levels in the experimental group at 16 weeks Watanabe et al.

Considering these results, the CGA intake may improve not only motor activity, but also the cognitive functions that control its execution and monitor its efficiency. These results confirm what was described previously by the same authors in a pilot study Eskelinen et al. In PD murine models, the CGA improves motor skills, mitochondrial activity, and the expression of antiapoptotic genes like Bcl-2 while reduces the activation of the proapoptotic ones Saitou et al.

Selenium is an essential micronutrient with a very narrow recommended dietary range. Selenium, in the form of selenocysteine, is a component of 25 selenoprotein classes, including GPx, selenoproteins P, W and R and thioredoxins TrxR. As an antioxidant, it provides protection from ROS-induced cellular damage Brauer and Savaskan, ; Xiong et al.

Considering that older people are more exposed to selenium deficiency due to metabolic changes, lower bioavailability, and diet changes Planas et al.

Selenoproteins, such as glutathione peroxidases GPx , play an important role in antioxidant defenses. The main brain selenoproteins are P and GPx: the first one has been identified in senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, suggesting its important role against oxidative damage Bellinger et al.

The biosynthesis of selenoproteins depends on selenium availability. Therefore, an adequate selenium intake may be particularly important for maintaining the elderly function Steinbrenner and Sies, Brazil nut Bertholletia excelsa is the richest dietary selenium source, and its intake improves selenium status Thomson et al.

Although some studies have reported that selenium stet is important for maintaining cognitive efficiency Berr et al. Cardoso et al. The experimental group took a 5-gram Brazil nut per day, containing approximately Selenium plasma and erythrocyte concentrations, Gpx activity in erythrocytes, ability to absorb oxygen radicals and MDA, and lipid peroxidation genotoxic product were recorded at baseline and after 6 months.

The CERAD neuropsychological battery assessed cognitive functions. Furthermore, an increase in plasma and erythrocyte selenium concentrations was observed in the experimental group, there was also a significant improvement in erythrocyte GPX activity. Although no intergroup changes emerged in overall cognitive performance, assessed with the CERAD total score, subtests investigating constructive praxis and verbal fluency showed higher scores in the treated group.

Probiotics refer to a group of live nonpathogenic microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, can establish the microbial balance, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract Wang et al.

Their importance is also related to their antioxidant properties: they act as metal-ion chelators, have their own antioxidant enzymatic systems SOD and CAT , can produce various metabolites GSH, butyrate and folate and mediate Antioxidant Signaling Pathways Wang et al.

Bagga et al. Therefore, a rational manipulation of intestinal microbiota through probiotics, could affect positively Central Nervous System-associated disorders.

Bonfili et al. A clinical trial by Kobayashi et al. breve A1 on behavior and physiological processes in AD model mice. The consumption of B. breve A1 suppressed the hippocampal expressions of inflammation and immune-reactive genes that are induced by amyloid-β suggesting that B.

breve A1 has therapeutic potential for preventing cognitive impairment in AD. Michael et al. Both consortia were equally able to attenuate intracellular reactive oxygen species accumulation in SH-SY5Y cells.

Another clinical trial showed that heat-killed L. buchneri KU has an important antioxidant activity mediated by its ability to increase levels of BDNF and so its intake can be considered useful in PD prevention Cheon et al.

Therefore, in accordance with the above, thanks to their antioxidant properties, probiotics seems to be fundamental to delay the progression of these neurodegenerative disorders Figure 2.

Figure 2. Antioxidants with neuroprotective properties. Following the detachment of Keap1 subunit, Omega-3 increases the antioxidant genes expression.

Vitamins E, C, and Nigella sativa rich in vitamins neutralize free radicals thanks to the presence of an electrophilic hydroxyl group on the chromane ring. Coenzyme Q10 CoQ10 plays a fundamental role in the electron transport chain protecting cells from apoptosis at a morphological and molecular level.

Selenium is able to reduce neurofibrillary tangle formation while chlorogenic acid reduces amyloid deposition. Probiotics act as metal ion chelators and as antioxidants using their antioxidant enzyme systems: superoxide dismutase and catalase SOD and CAT.

Lots of natural compounds contain antioxidant molecules that are protective against free radical damage affecting brain cells. In vitro and murine models have widely demonstrated that antioxidant improve oxidative stress status of brain cells, cognitive functions and motor skills.

Further clinical trials should be conducted in order to understand if these natural compounds, alone or in combination with an appropriate pharmacological treatment, can effectively delay the potential onset of neurodegenerative disorders and ameliorate brain functions.

Moreover, it should be better elucidated the actual bioavailability in the central nervous system of these natural antioxidants, and their effective ability to pass the blood brain barrier after an oral intake. MA and JF: formal analysis of scientific literature.

FF, GS, and SG: writing—original draft preparation. FF and GS: writing—review and editing. CP: supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

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Free- radicals Oxygen and Nitrogen species are oxidative stress and brain health in mitochondria during the oxidative brani. Their high reactivity, due to not-engaged electrons, leads to an healrh of the oxidative stress. The Herbal energy supplements of Kxidative review is to sum oxidativ natural antioxidant molecules with the greatest neuroprotective properties against free radical genesis, oxifative their relationship with the Central Oxidative stress and brain health System. Oxidative stress is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases: in particular, a strict connection between a free-radical increase and the onset of neurodegenerative disorders has been widely demonstrated Migliore and Coppedè, Free radicals are atoms or molecules characterized by one or more electrons not engaged in chemical bonds, which, remaining unpaired, tend to accept electrons from other molecules: this reaction causes their oxidation Harman, ; Valko et al. An oxidation—reduction imbalance in living organisms leads to an excess of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species RONS with a consequent oxidative stress status Valko et al. There is a large number of antioxidant defensive mechanisms against RONS.

Author: Kazik

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